
public struct Filter : Transform

Specification of filter operation on trace data.

See also

Documentation for Python, JavaScript or R
  • Determines whether this filter transform is enabled or disabled.



    public var enabled: Bool?
  • Sets the filter target by which the filter is applied.

    If a string, target is assumed to be a reference to a data array in the parent trace object. To filter about nested variables, use . to access them. For example, set target to marker.color to filter about the marker color array. If an array, target is then the data array by which the filter is applied.



    public var target: Data<String>?
  • Sets the filter operation.

    = keeps items equal to value != keeps items not equal to value < keeps items less than value <= keeps items less than or equal to value > keeps items greater than value >= keeps items greater than or equal to value [] keeps items inside value[0] to value[1] including both bounds () keeps items inside value[0] to value[1] excluding both bounds [) keeps items inside value[0] to value[1] including value[0] but excluding value[1] *(]* keeps items insidevalue[0]tovalue[1]excludingvalue[0]but includingvalue[1] ][ keeps items outside value[0] to value[1] and equal to both bounds )( keeps items outside value[0] to value[1] ]( keeps items outside value[0] to value[1] and equal to value[0] )[ keeps items outside value[0] to value[1] and equal to value[1] {} keeps items present in a set of values }{ keeps items not present in a set of values

    See more



    public enum Operation : String, Encodable
  • Sets the filter operation.

    = keeps items equal to value != keeps items not equal to value < keeps items less than value <= keeps items less than or equal to value > keeps items greater than value >= keeps items greater than or equal to value [] keeps items inside value[0] to value[1] including both bounds () keeps items inside value[0] to value[1] excluding both bounds [) keeps items inside value[0] to value[1] including value[0] but excluding value[1] *(]* keeps items insidevalue[0]tovalue[1]excludingvalue[0]but includingvalue[1] ][ keeps items outside value[0] to value[1] and equal to both bounds )( keeps items outside value[0] to value[1] ]( keeps items outside value[0] to value[1] and equal to value[0] )[ keeps items outside value[0] to value[1] and equal to value[1] {} keeps items present in a set of values }{ keeps items not present in a set of values



    public var operation: Operation?
  • Sets the value or values by which to filter.

    Values are expected to be in the same type as the data linked to target. When operation is set to one of the comparison values (=,!=,<,>=,>,<=) value is expected to be a number or a string. When operation is set to one of the interval values ([],(),[),(],],)(,[) value is expected to be 2-item array where the first item is the lower bound and the second item is the upper bound. When operation, is set to one of the set values ({},}{) value is expected to be an array with as many items as the desired set elements.



    public var value: Anything?
  • Determines whether or not gaps in data arrays produced by the filter operation are preserved.

    Setting this to true might be useful when plotting a line chart with connectgaps set to false.



    public var preserveGaps: Bool?
  • Sets the calendar system to use for value, if it is a date.



    public var valueCalendar: Calendar?
  • Sets the calendar system to use for target, if it is an array of dates.

    If target is a string (eg x) we use the corresponding trace attribute (eg xcalendar) if it exists, even if targetcalendar is provided.



    public var targetCalendar: Calendar?
  • Creates Filter object with specified properties.



    public init(enabled: Bool? = nil, target: Data<String>? = nil, operation: Operation? = nil,
            value: Anything? = nil, preserveGaps: Bool? = nil, valueCalendar: Calendar? = nil,
            targetCalendar: Calendar? = nil)



    Determines whether this filter transform is enabled or disabled.


    Sets the filter target by which the filter is applied.


    Sets the filter operation.


    Sets the value or values by which to filter.


    Determines whether or not gaps in data arrays produced by the filter operation are preserved.


    Sets the calendar system to use for value, if it is a date.


    Sets the calendar system to use for target, if it is an array of dates.