Scientific Traces

  • The data from which contour lines are computed is set in z.

    Data in z must be a {2D array} of numbers. Say that z has N rows and M columns, then by default, these N rows correspond to N y coordinates (set in y or auto-generated) and the M columns correspond to M x coordinates (set in x or auto-generated). By setting transpose to true, the above behavior is flipped.

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    public struct Contour<ZData, XData, YData> : Trace, XYSubplot where ZData : Plotable, XData : Plotable, YData : Plotable
  • The data describing carpet axis layout is set in y and (optionally) also x.

    If only y is present, x the plot is interpreted as a cheater plot and is filled in using the y values. x and y may either be 2D arrays matching with each dimension matching that of a and b, or they may be 1D arrays with total length equal to that of a and b.

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    public struct Carpet<XData, YData, AData, BData> : Trace, XYSubplot where XData : Plotable, YData : Plotable, AData : Plotable, BData : Plotable
  • Plots contours on either the first carpet axis or the carpet axis with a matching carpet attribute.

    Data z is interpreted as matching that of the corresponding carpet axis.

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    public struct ContourCarpet<ZData, AData, BData> : Trace, XYSubplot where ZData : Plotable, AData : Plotable, BData : Plotable
  • The data visualized by the radial span of the bars is set in r

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    public struct BarPolar<RData, ThetaData> : Trace, PolarSubplot where RData : Plotable, ThetaData : Plotable
  • The data that describes the heatmap value-to-color mapping is set in z.

    Data in z can either be a {2D array} of values (ragged or not) or a 1D array of values. In the case where z is a {2D array}, say that z has N rows and M columns. Then, by default, the resulting heatmap will have N partitions along the y axis and M partitions along the x axis. In other words, the i-th row/ j-th column cell in z is mapped to the i-th partition of the y axis (starting from the bottom of the plot) and the j-th partition of the x-axis (starting from the left of the plot). This behavior can be flipped by using transpose. Moreover, x (y) can be provided with M or M+1 (N or N+1) elements. If M (N), then the coordinates correspond to the center of the heatmap cells and the cells have equal width. If M+1 (N+1), then the coordinates correspond to the edges of the heatmap cells. In the case where z is a 1D {array}, the x and y coordinates must be provided in x and y respectively to form data triplets.

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    public struct Heatmap<ZData, XYData> : Trace, XYSubplot where ZData : Plotable, XYData : Plotable
  • WebGL version of the heatmap trace type.

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    public struct HeatmapGL<ZData, XYData> : Trace, XYSubplot where ZData : Plotable, XYData : Plotable
  • Parallel coordinates for multidimensional exploratory data analysis.

    The samples are specified in dimensions. The colors are set in line.color.

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    public struct ParallelCoordinates : Trace, DomainSubplot
  • The scatterpolar trace type encompasses line charts, scatter charts, text charts, and bubble charts in polar coordinates.

    The data visualized as scatter point or lines is set in r (radial) and theta (angular) coordinates Text (appearing either on the chart or on hover only) is via text. Bubble charts are achieved by setting marker.size and/or marker.color to numerical arrays.

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    public struct ScatterPolar<RData, ThetaData> : Trace, PolarSubplot where RData : Plotable, ThetaData : Plotable
  • Plots a scatter trace on either the first carpet axis or the carpet axis with a matching carpet attribute.

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    public struct ScatterCarpet<AData, BData> : Trace, XYSubplot where AData : Plotable, BData : Plotable
  • The scatterpolargl trace type encompasses line charts, scatter charts, and bubble charts in polar coordinates using the WebGL plotting engine.

    The data visualized as scatter point or lines is set in r (radial) and theta (angular) coordinates Bubble charts are achieved by setting marker.size and/or marker.color to numerical arrays.

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    public struct ScatterPolarGL<RData, ThetaData> : Trace, PolarSubplot where RData : Plotable, ThetaData : Plotable
  • Provides similar functionality to the scatter type but on a ternary phase diagram.

    The data is provided by at least two arrays out of a, b, c triplets.

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    public struct ScatterTernary<AData, BData, CData> : Trace, TernarySubplot where AData : Plotable, BData : Plotable, CData : Plotable
  • An indicator is used to visualize a single value along with some contextual information such as steps or a threshold, using a combination of three visual elements: a number, a delta, and/or a gauge.

    Deltas are taken with respect to a reference. Gauges can be either angular or bullet (aka linear) gauges.

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    public struct Indicator : Trace, DomainSubplot