3D Traces

  • The data visualized as scatter point or lines in 3D dimension is set in x, y, z.

    Text (appearing either on the chart or on hover only) is via text. Bubble charts are achieved by setting marker.size and/or marker.color Projections are achieved via projection. Surface fills are achieved via surfaceaxis.

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    public struct Scatter3D<XData, YData, ZData> : Trace, SceneSubplot where XData : Plotable, YData : Plotable, ZData : Plotable
  • The data the describes the coordinates of the surface is set in z.

    Data in z should be a {2D array}. Coordinates in x and y can either be 1D {arrays} or {2D arrays} (e.g. to graph parametric surfaces). If not provided in x and y, the x and y coordinates are assumed to be linear starting at 0 with a unit step. The color scale corresponds to the z values by default. For custom color scales, use surfacecolor which should be a {2D array}, where its bounds can be controlled using cmin and cmax.

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    public struct Surface<ZSurfaceData, XYData> : Trace, SceneSubplot where ZSurfaceData : Plotable, XYData : Plotable
  • Draws isosurfaces between iso-min and iso-max values with coordinates given by four 1-dimensional arrays containing the value, x, y and z of every vertex of a uniform or non-uniform 3-D grid.

    Horizontal or vertical slices, caps as well as spaceframe between iso-min and iso-max values could also be drawn using this trace.

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    public struct Isosurface<XData, YData, ZData, ValueData> : Trace, SceneSubplot where XData : Plotable, YData : Plotable, ZData : Plotable, ValueData : Plotable
  • Draws volume trace between iso-min and iso-max values with coordinates given by four 1-dimensional arrays containing the value, x, y and z of every vertex of a uniform or non-uniform 3-D grid.

    Horizontal or vertical slices, caps as well as spaceframe between iso-min and iso-max values could also be drawn using this trace.

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    public struct Volume<XYZData, ValueData> : Trace, SceneSubplot where XYZData : Plotable, ValueData : Plotable
  • Use a streamtube trace to visualize flow in a vector field.

    Specify a vector field using 6 1D arrays of equal length, 3 position arrays x, y and z and 3 vector component arrays u, v, and w. By default, the tubes’ starting positions will be cut from the vector field’s x-z plane at its minimum y value. To specify your own starting position, use attributes starts.x, starts.y and starts.z. The color is encoded by the norm of (u, v, w), and the local radius by the divergence of (u, v, w).

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    public struct StreamTube<XYZData, UVWData> : Trace, SceneSubplot where XYZData : Plotable, UVWData : Plotable
  • Draws sets of triangles with coordinates given by three 1-dimensional arrays in x, y, z and (1) a sets of i, j, k indices (2) Delaunay triangulation or (3) the Alpha-shape algorithm or (4) the Convex-hull algorithm

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    public struct Mesh3D<XData, YData, ZData, IntensityData, VertexcolorData, FacecolorData> : Trace, SceneSubplot where XData : Plotable, YData : Plotable, ZData : Plotable, IntensityData : Plotable, VertexcolorData : Plotable, FacecolorData : Plotable
  • Use cone traces to visualize vector fields.

    Specify a vector field using 6 1D arrays, 3 position arrays x, y and z and 3 vector component arrays u, v, w. The cones are drawn exactly at the positions given by x, y and z.

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    Documentation for Python, JavaScript or R
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    public struct Cone<XYZData, UVWData> : Trace, SceneSubplot where XYZData : Plotable, UVWData : Plotable